Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Knox and the Succession of the Apostolic Church

As Knox continues with Tyrie’s letter he exposes the Roman Church's view of due "Succession" or "Apostolic Succession". The Church of Rome in Knox's day taught that their legitimacy, and therefore their authority, rests in their ability to connect themselves directly to the Apostles through a line of successors of Bishops going back to the Apostle Peter. Their tradition teaches that he went to Rome and served the Church there until his death.

Further, the Roman Church claims that they teach the doctrine of the Apostles. And so the Jesuit Tyrie challenges his Protestant brother, David to show this "new" Scottish Kirk's succession to the Apostolic authority and doctrine.

Knox reveals the faulty logic of Tyrie by showing the Church's call to submit to Christ, not to the Apostolic Sea (seat of authority). I was reminded of that passage found in Eph 4, which speaks of Gifts that Christ has given to the Church:

Eph 4:7ff But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. 8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. ... 11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying
of the body of Christ: &c.

The Roman Church's view is that the Church is given to the Clergy as a gift, but the Scriptures teach that these officers are gifts to the Church, and are to serve the Church. Here Tyrie is trying to claim that the people are bound to submit to the True Church by which he means the True Ministry which has True Authority. But Knox is saying that the people are bound to follow the Ministry so far as they follow Christ, which was the teaching of the Apostle Paul (1 Cor 11:1).

And on the other hand, we see nowhere in all of the Scriptures any declaration or command that upholds a direct Apostolic Succession. And yet Knox will go further and give the Protestant Church's proof that it does "directly and lawfully" flow from the Apostles; just look at our Doctrine, Rites and Ceremonies, they are all authorized from their writings.

Again we see that Regulative Principle applied by this Reformer. The Reformation Churches were not about innovation as they were accused of, but maintained because there was Scriptural warrant; and that not explicitly commanded was implicitly forbidden. Ironically, there was much innovation in the Roman Church, and most of it embraced to by the authority of tradition; which brings us to our next major point.

Tyrie claims that there is a succession of Apostolic doctrine found in all of the writings of the "ancient writers" as well as the visible establishment of the Roman Catholic Church in all the world; which testimony the Protestant Church lacks.

Knox contests the authority of the Ancient Writers or Church Fathers as being equal with the Scriptures when he says,

We are not bound to credit whatsoever the Fathers have spoken: but our faith, (as is before said), is builded upon the sure Rock, Jesus Christ, and upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. (Eph. 2) So far as any Fathers agree therewith, we reverently do embrace it; but if the Fathers have affirmed anything without the warrant of the written word of the Eternal our God, to whose only voice the sheep of his pasture are bound, it is as lawful to us to reject that which proceedeth from man and not from God, as it is easy to them to affirm it.

These men are subordinate to the Scriptures (and even then they do not individually speak with the kind of authority that a court does). However, Mr. Tyrie fails to demonstrate where these Church Fathers (let alone the very Word of God) teach peculiar points of doctrine, such as: the Mass containing saving grace, the Pope being the Vicar of Christ on Earth, and many other errors that the Roman Church espouses.

Yet Knox's contending does not cease here, but he further refutes Tyrie by exposing his further contrary teaching with the Apostle's Creed. Knox instructs us that by Tyrie's mention of the world-wide Roman Catholic establishment, he implies a denial of any Church that has not been visibly observable by the eyes of men.

With plain reason Knox rebukes Tyrie's assertion:

If Master Tyrie recant not this assertion, he must correct his creed. And where universally before we used to say, Credo sanctam Ecclesiam, &c., he must say Video sanctam Ecclesiam. [That is, as before we used to say, "I believe in the holy Church," he must say, "I see the holy Church."] For if there be no Kirk upon the face of the earth, but that which is visible, and that which may be shown first by certain notes external, then superfluous and vain it were to us to say, I believe the holy Kirk universal; but confidently we might affirm, I see the holy Kirk.

Tyrie is forced to deny his assertion or deny the Confession of the "Apostolic and Ancient" Church. This kind of contending causes all those of the True Church to cheer for this apologetic argument, for this is the defense of the Church on the Wilderness.

Consider Noah, who alone spared from a global flood with wasted all that breathed, along with that which was redeemed in the Ark.

Consider Elijah, despairing in the desert, tempted to doubt God. Yet when he says to God, "I'm all that's left, and they want to kill me!" God replies that He reserved 7,000 faithful that did not bow the knee to Baal.

Consider so many examples in the Bible where there was only a remnant preserved, while the larger visible representation of the Church was in a scandalous state and maintained a nominal profession.

Knox concludes:

oftentimes it is that the Kirk militant is so afflicted, yea, the beauty thereof is so obscured to the most part of the world, that the synagogue of Satan usurps the title of the true Kirk, and Babylon is preferred to Jerusalem; so that the elect are compelled to complain, and say, "We see not our own signs, now is there no prophet any more amongst us." (Psalm 71)

Bearing in mind then that we observe a great city on a Hill, Jerusalem, with the established true religion protected and promoted in all her majesty and prosperity.

We also see at times the Church in the Wilderness, wandering, and pursuing their promised dwelling place.

And sometimes we do not see but know that there are 7,000 faithful, who have not bowed the knee to false gods.

We ought to consider, What makes the Church more or less visible? I may deal with this in my next paper.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Knox and the Catholic Nature of the Church

James Tyrie, a Scottish Jesuit, writes a letter in the 1560s, to his oldest brother, David, who had converted to Protestantism. This letter is then given to John Knox to reply to. Knox would pen a quick reply without much thought, and would be distracted away from the letter until a time of solitude, when reflection was available; a time when he would retire to St. Andrews to avoid persecution of him, and the Christians in Edinburgh. And though he was evading the enemy to preserve his life, he was found contending for the true Faith and the true Religion of the true Kirk (Church) universal.

Knox responds in full to Tyrie's letter, putting the title "Catholic" back into its biblical and historical context. My essays will be reflective, engaging Knox's defense with my own thinking.

Being raised Roman Catholic, I can vaguely recall certain doctrines that I had learned: the virgin birth, the immaculate conception, transubstantiation, the rituals of communion and confession, praying to saints, etc. However, I do not recall ever hearing anyone defend the "Catholic" or Universal nature of the Church, and I certainly do not remember anyone saying that the Protestant Churches were not true Churches. Of course I lived in a post-Vatican II world.

Tyrie, along with his Papal head down to his Jesuit brothers, all asserted that the Roman Catholic Church was the Only True Church, and that there was no salvation outside of Her. He quotes Isaiah 60:12 which states, "For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish;" by which text he propagates the doctrine:

"...that before a thousand years in all the world was their people [the Catholic Church of Scotland- SA] that believed as they do who defend the contrary, which no man but he that would show his impudence and his ignorance together dare deny: and of the Kirk whereof the Prophet speaks, it is said by him, in the second chapter, that it shall be manifest and visible through all the world. Wherefore, if ye can not show what place of the world afore three hundred years your Kirk was in, it follows of necessity, that it is no Kirk."

I find Knox's logical rebuttal in general is a great read, and I would encourage it to all. Particularly, I would like to comment on his dealings with the title of "Catholic" or Universal.

The Western or Roman Church, in Knox's day, made broad and sweeping claims to the title "Catholic" that was attached to their tradition. They touted a virtuous quality to their Church, as if to say, "Whatever is Universal must be good."

Knox points out that not all things Universal must necessarily be good. For example, Sin was universal in the Fall of our first parents, Adam and Eve; another example was the universal idolatry that the Gentiles practiced. Further he adds that Mahomet (Islam) was exceeding broad in their day (possibly almost as broad as the Western Church was) and yet very few would deduce that these things are good.

I appreciate that Knox does not only show the error of this fallacy, but also delivers the positive alternative to all who would see the error of their doctrine. In saying that "we must have a better assurance of that Kirk, to which we ought to join ourselves, than that it is Catholic or universal," he introduces the confession made in Apostle's Creed.

We do not say that we believe the Church universal, but, "I believe the holy Kirk universal, the communion of saints." Therefore the virtuous quality that the Church is to have is “Holiness”. It is to profess a true or holy faith, and exercise a true or holy religion to be the true or holy (small-c) catholic Church.

And this is such a blow to the Romish Church and her teachers because they view the Creed as authoritative as the Scriptures. Knox is saying that even your own Confession of Faith states the quality to judge. He knows that Tyrie will seek to define "Holy" according to his own constructions, and so puts questions to Tyrie to maintain the topic at hand.

Q: Define the holiness of the Church.

Q: Wherein does it consist?

Q: From Whom does it flow?

Q: What is the effect of this holiness upon the Church?

Q: Can you prove that the Church of Rome alone has been and is the only holy Church?

Historically, these questions are answered in the Scottish Confession of Faith [1560], which work Knox participated in 13 years prior to this tract; many Formularies of the Protestant Reformation also have similar summary answers.

Chapter 16 – Of the Kirk

As we believe in one God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; so do we most constantly believe that from the beginning there has been, now is, and to the end of the world shall be, a Kirk: that is to say, a company and multitude of men chosen of God, who rightly worship and embrace him, by true faith in Christ Jesus, who is the only Head of the same Kirk, which also is the body and spouse of Christ Jesus; which Kirk is Catholic ­ that is, universal ­ because it contains the elect of all ages, all realms, nations, and tongues, be they of the Jews, or be they of the Gentiles; who have communion and society with God the Father, and with his Son Christ Jesus, through the sanctification of his Holy Spirit;

and therefore it is called the communion, not of profane persons, but of saints, who, as citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem, have the fruition of the most inestimable benefits: to wit, of one God, one Lord Jesus, one faith, and of one baptism; out of the which Kirk there is neither life, nor eternal felicity.

And therefore we utterly abhor the blasphemy of them that affirm that men which live according to equity and justice shall be saved, what religion that ever they have professed. For as without Christ Jesus there is neither life nor salvation, so shall there none be participant thereof, but such as the Father has given unto his Son Christ Jesus, and those [that] in time come unto him, avow his doctrine, and believe into him (we comprehend the children with the faithful parents).

This Kirk is invisible, known only to God, who alone knows whom he has chosen, and comprehends as well (as said is) the elect that are departed (commonly called the Kirk triumphant), as those that yet live and fight against sin and Satan as shall live hereafter.

But also we see that this is not a new argument, but is found even in Biblical times. When the unfaithful Jews railed against the Apostolic Church for not maintaining the faith and practice of Israel, the Apostle Paul responds with that faithful testimony of the nature of
the true Jew, when he says in Romans:

Rom 2:25-29
25 For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision. 26 Therefore if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision? 27 And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law? 28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither [is that] circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: 29 But he [is] a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision [is that] of the heart, in the spirit, [and] not in the letter; whose praise [is] not of men, but of God.

He is the true Jew that has true Faith, and practices the true Religion, and so is the Nature of the Church throughout the world. We look for the holy Church and that houses holy citizens.

AREL 499 Senior Seminar and Syllabus

Every Senior has to take a Seminar course that is in one's intended Major. It is to be under the direction of a prof in your field that usually has some expertise in a particular concentration.

I am a Religious Studies Major, with a Concentration in Religion and Society (Christianity).

My advisor, Prof Koban, also happens to be the Christianity Concentration director in Religious Studies. And so he suggests a study of Bonhoeffer, Cost of Discipleship, &c. I say, "No Thanks." How about United Society Covenanters, he in turn says, "No Thanks."

We settle on John Knox, and have both been enjoying our study of his writings. My main assignment is to read a portion of the text and then give a subjective perspective on the central themes/debates (2-3 pages), interacting with Knox's theology - sounds like Journaling to me, which I am very uncomfortable with.

My Prof on the other hand is encouraging me to continue in this vein. So I decided to post them here. So I can at least be posting on here a li'l more frequently.

And to think... at a secular college.

Senior Seminar Project: Scottish Covenant Tradition Syllabus

Jan. 29: Nature of the True Church: The Universal Church.
Readings: An Answer to a Letter…, Vol. 6, pp. 473-497 & Isa 1 & 2.

Feb. 5 Nature of the True Church: Authentic Church Tradition.
Readings: An Answer to a Letter…, Vol. 6, pp. 497-502 & 1Kings 18-19.

Feb. 12 Nature of the True Church: The Church and the World.
Readings: An Answer to a Letter…, Vol. 6, pp. 502-512 & Jn 10; 1Cor 3.

Feb. 19 Vacation

Feb. 26 Nature of the True Church: The Community of Faith.
Readings: Letter of Wholesome Council…, V. 4, pp. 129-137 & Rom 12;1Cor 12:12-31.

Mar. 5 Reformation Faith: The Form of Worship.
Readings: Letter of Wholesome Council…, V. 4, pp. 137-140 & 1Cor11; 12:1-11.

Mar. 12 Personal Faith: Providential Tribulation.
Epistle to the Cong. of... St. Andrews. V. 3, "Pref.," pp.1-11 & Gen. 44-45.

Mar. 19 Historical Faith: God's Justice.
Readings: Godly Letter of Warning and Admonition…, Vol. 3, pp. 157-178 & Is 40.

Mar. 26 Reformation Faith: True Prophecy.
Readings: Godly Letter of Warning and Admonition…, V. 3, pp.178-82 & Jer 25-27.

April 2-9 Vacation

April16 Faith Foundation: Resisting Idolatry.
Readings: Godly Letter of Warning and Admonition…, V. 3, pp. 188-200 & Matt 4.

April 23 Consultation on Final Paper. Topic: Faithful Contending: The Church of the Covenant.

April 30 Rough Draft of Final Paper Due.

May 7 Final Draft of Final Paper Due.
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