The post below is inappropriately titled "Biblical Model of the Church: Part 1 ".
It is not dealing with a "model" but rather a "characteristic".
The model deals with the organization of the government, while the characteristic deals more with a trait or "personality" if I can use that term loosely.
The trait of Seeker-Friendly is found in multiple different models, or Church governments (e.g. Presbyterian, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Independent, etc)
Just felt the need to clarify, as my own understanding continues to come into clarity.
It is not dealing with a "model" but rather a "characteristic".
The model deals with the organization of the government, while the characteristic deals more with a trait or "personality" if I can use that term loosely.
The trait of Seeker-Friendly is found in multiple different models, or Church governments (e.g. Presbyterian, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Independent, etc)
Just felt the need to clarify, as my own understanding continues to come into clarity.