Vacation Report 3 out of some more
The longer you wait to write the details the foggier they become.
People hung out around the house.
Mark and I talked about books, and authors, and more about Presbyterianism.
We all commented on how awesome we thought Amanda’s blog is.
We looked at the picture of the Albany Congregation there.
We ate some stuff.
Church was… well I feel that if I say to little I will not capture the true sentiments experienced by all. If I say too much, then I will appear to exaggerate because it was that edifying.
We had 4 Baptisms, and 43 communicant members attend the LORD’s Table (for some it had been 20 years since they last had the Supper, for others it was their first time at the Supper.) I’m sure you can imagine the grace that was poured out upon us in this service. We were greatly blessed.
Check out:
- Did Judas Partake of the Lord's Supper? By George Gillespie
- A Treatise of Miscellany Questions. By George Gillespie (not available in Etext yet)
Ch XVIII.-Of the use of a Table in the Lords supper, and of the communicants
there coming to, and receiving at the Table.
- What is Close Communion? By Greg Price Audio files [1/2] - [2/2]
Afterwards we had picture time as well as a fellowship meal. The Committee that put this gathering together did a most fantastic job. You would think that had years of experience in this, when in reality is was only our third large gathering. (I know Everson is getting ready for a min-gathering).
We concluded the evening with another Psalm Sing, and even had the opportunity to learn some new tunes! It was a challenge to really visit with everybody in such a short period of time, but I took advantage of trying to fellowship with people I don’t see often or those in PG since I would be spending time with them the following week.
That evening we went back to Jordan and Doralynne’s and had some of the single people over (Martin, Amy and Leah). That was very enjoyable. We discussed home schooling, the importance of our youth being able to “realize” their identity in the Covenanted Reformation, the preservation of our Church, and other stuff (my mind is leaking). Oh and what a blessing we had in this weekend together.
It was one of those Sabbaths that is hard to forget (except some of “the other stuff” you sit around and talk about).