Sunday, December 18, 2005

Don’t Merry “God’s-Name-In-Vain” me

***WARNING*** the following blog has grown up things to say and obscene errors to expose. Viewer Discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED

So I thought I would throw my buck-o-two in the pile of Anti-Christmass blogs.

My brother and I were talking recently, discussing among many things, his recent post at his blog. It’s rather entertaining. He threw this idea out there that to say “Merry Christmas” ought to be as offensive as using God’s name in vain any other way.

Could you imagine if someone said to you “Merry G** D*** to you” We’d go ballistic, or at least say, "Excuse me!?!". But never nod, or say thanks, and especially not return the greeting. We really need to be conscious of the words people use.

And don’t let the ignorance card fool you. After all, people use the Lord’s name in vain all the time subconsciously, and are only aware of it when someone who makes known their morals comes around. I know it is not an exact 1-to-1 because most think Christmas is a good thing and do not associate it with the Mass or Massacre of Christ. All I mean is, that is not a good excuse.

So I have been trying to think of a response to those who want to offer me an offensive holiday greeting. And understand my intentions. I am not trying to be vengeful, or bitter. I’m no Scrooge (which I will, Lord willing be posting about soon), but a Christian who desires to get peoples attention, and ear, rather than just shove that candy cane back down their throat.

What responses can be offered? I have thought of a few… some are meant to be a joke. So take a moment and actually think of yourself saying some of these to others who curse God every chance they get.

"You talkin' to me?" - Mafia voice
"God Hates Christmas!"
"You don't want to go there. Trust me."
"You wanna take this outside?"
"Aww man, they got to you too?"
"Merry wha? What's that?" and so after they explain it to you the door is wide open :D
"Shut up."
"Merry Shut up."
"Bah Shut up."
"I don't do Christmas" - the one I use most
"Oh go eat some figgie pudding."
"Merry Sabbath!" (I thought of Merry LORDs Day, but thought they might think it a reference to Christmas being a day to celebrate the LORD)
"Psalm 63:11"
"Psalm 31:18"
"Titus 1:10&11"
"Jeremiah 10" (For any of the Scripture References - feel free to add 'Merry' before them)

Any creative comments you have come up with?


Blogger Manda said...

I said, " Oh, I protest the Mass" to a WalMart lady. She looked at me like I had three heads and said, "Whatever, lady".

Thursday, December 22, 2005 10:00:00 PM  
Blogger Wraezor said...

Does it follow then that we condemn anyone using or giving the name "Christopher" (Bearer of Christ)?

I don't see the difference. Both names could be equally used with reverence/irreverence and I would contend that they could also be used with neutrality.

Friday, December 23, 2005 8:39:00 PM  
Blogger shawn said...

It does not follow that having God's name in portions of our name is condemning. In fact many names today have the name of God as part of the whole name:


These are more traditional names, and it is more important that we know what our names mean, etymologically.

HOWEVER, it is condemning to use God's name in a derogatory way, or in a profane way.

The Mass is vain, profane, derogatory, blasphemous, etc.

And so to say "Merry Celebration of Christ's Mass" is to use God's Name in Vain, EVEN if you don't know it.

Saturday, December 24, 2005 12:55:00 AM  

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